“People grow through and towards connection” -Jean Baker Miller



I speak on a variety of topics including mental healthcare in minority communities, cultural humility and cultural competence, life-balance, trauma recovery, and more. 

Photo by g-stockstudio/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by g-stockstudio/iStock / Getty Images


I typically consult on issues related to mental health, cultural competence, and social justice. I am open to consulting one on one or in group settings with both indivdiuals and organizations. I am also available for professional supervision.


Training is so important for growth, as individuals and  on an organizational level. I train on an array of topics including mental health issues and practices, racial microaggressions, and cultural humility and cultural competence.  

I would love to visit with you to learn more about how we can best work together to train, educate, and bring hope to your organization and community.